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Subconscious Cleansing

Subconscious cleansing is not, as one might think, about clearing existing information as if you were deleting data from a storage device. It is a concept that is misinterpreted when it is accepted in this way. On the contrary, it is the replacement of beliefs and thoughts stored by the subconscious mind, which are considered wrong, with the opposite thoughts. The use of the word "cleansing" can cause misunderstanding in this regard. As this word implies, it is not a matter of erasing or changing everything. Replacement is carried out to correct a predetermined wrong thought for a specific purpose.

In order for a person with self-confidence problems to get rid of this problem, subconscious cleansing focuses on the false beliefs that affect this situation. If a person who wants to change in self-confidence and become more self-confident feels exhausted and unhappy, the source of this is subconscious false beliefs. In order to solve this problem, replacing the false belief that affects self-confidence with a true belief that is exactly the opposite refers to the cleaning process.

There are various methods used in this process. There are music, suggestions, hypnosis sets and similar products for sale. However, these products claim to perform a general cleansing process, not only for specific issues as we mentioned. Expert opinion says that these methods can only work when they are aimed at specific goals and predetermined problems. We will talk about some methods and stages for subconscious cleaning in the rest of our article.

What is the Subconscious?

The subconscious is a part of the subconscious that works outside of consciousness without the person being aware of it, instantly records all kinds of information perceived with the sense organs and makes it available to the consciousness. The information recorded in this part can be useful or harmful. The subconscious cannot make a qualitative determination. How this information is used is under the control of consciousness. False beliefs and thoughts therefore affect the consciousness negatively and cause people to experience different problems.

Habits and behavior patterns are automatically determined by the subconscious. Actions performed consciously constitute 10% of the general mind. The remaining 90% is the subconscious mind that directs behavior. Therefore, it provides governance. This is the reason for the behaviors and thoughts that people cannot make sense of, that they want to prevent but cannot get rid of and that disturb them. Consciousness is what we are aware of and subconscious is what we are not aware of. These two areas of the mind influence each other. For example, when the conscious mind is convinced by environmental factors that something is bad, this affects the other part of the mind. Behaviors are shaped with this effect. The person starts to believe that he/she will not be successful in that job.

The subconscious is under the influence of the conscious and fulfills its every wish. It has a very large capacity. In this way, it stores a lot of information within itself. When directed by the consciousness, it uses this information to influence the consciousness. It is always active and continues its activity. It is the area that does not sleep even when a person sleeps at night. It regulates and keeps under control all the activities of the body. It focuses on what the consciousness believes and shapes thoughts in that direction.

The fear of failure, which is one of the situations that every person experiences, is a good example in this regard. As soon as this fear arises, there is a very high probability that the result will be failure. The subconscious transfers all the information that leads to this fear to the consciousness in the form of thoughts and prepares the inevitable end. These fears are acquired through the information gathered by the consciousness at lower and higher levels during the developmental process of the human being. A newborn baby does not know what fear is. This information acquired over time causes the consciousness to sabotage itself. Subconscious cleaning is a method used at this point.

How Does the Subconscious Work?

All Memories are Stored: It stores all information from birth to death. Everything is recorded temporarily or permanently. Until the age of 6, everything is stored directly and without distinguishing its quality due to mental activity. However, the information obtained in the following periods gains meaning in parallel with the experiences. Reactions are formed according to this interpretation.

Associations and Generalizations are made: Makes associations between similar thoughts. This may put the person in a difficult situation. For example, a person who is attacked by a dog starts to fear all the dogs he sees. The subconscious forces the person to do this.

Memories are Organized: Memories are organized in consciousness according to their time. Bad memories from the past can negatively affect the future.

Negative Memories are Suppressed: It aims to protect the person in this way, but in doing so, it creates negative effects related to the repressed memories. Even if a bad event is repressed in the mind, it can lead to psychological disorders. It may reappear after a certain period of time.

Effects on the Body: Since it has information about the ideal state of the body, it creates different effects to protect the person against various anxieties. The subconscious mind of the person experiencing test anxiety may affect the stomach or cause weakness in order to save the person from this anxiety. After the exam time passes, the body returns to normal.

Dominates Emotions: It is the source of all emotions. Human beings constantly switch between emotions. These emotional transitions affect behavior. The subconscious establishes a connection between emotions and behavior.

Fulfills the Owner's Will: A person realizes what he/she wants. In order to do this, it needs clear statements and speeds up the achievement of things that are better concentrated. Depends on the moral fiber of the person. It triggers feelings of guilt and regret in behaviors that contradict moral understanding.

What are the Methods of Subconscious Cleaning?

The events encountered throughout life and the attitudes shown in the face of these events create an accumulation on the subconscious mind. This accumulation leads to problems by creating false beliefs and thoughts in the following periods. Although it is not possible to do a complete cleansing, relaxation can be achieved with the methods mentioned below.

Identify your experiences: Think about the events that have the most impact on your subconscious mind and the events that have the least impact. List them and create a small mind map of your experiences. While doing this, focus on how you feel about these events that affect you. By identifying the bad and good influences, you can start to change the bad ones.

Face your experiences: You may have had bad experiences that you are afraid to face. However, if you do not confront these bad experiences and eliminate them, the rest of your life may be negatively affected. What you need to do for this is to constantly visualize the bad events in your mind and confront them. Although this may be difficult at first, it will begin to lose its effect over time. It will make you realize how insignificant the things that upset you are and how they are just a thought in your mind.

Access the Subconscious: In order to tap into your subconscious, you need to think that your mind cannot defeat you and that you are the only one in control. For subconscious cleansing, you need to be in the area between the conscious and the unconscious. Entering this zone requires you to constantly motivate yourself and direct your brain that you can succeed.

Perform the Clearing Identify the issue that is bothering you and relax your consciousness to change its wrong thoughts about it. Breathing exercises, physical activities, even drinking tea and coffee to calm down can help you do this. Imagine that all the bad thoughts are in your mind and change them, believing that you can eliminate them.

Fill the Cleared Areas Correctly: The subconscious mind is free of bad and wrong thoughts, but you need to fill these areas correctly. Otherwise, old bad thoughts can easily return. To do this, focus on the events that you have identified in the first step that have a positive effect on you. Feed your consciousness with good things and have good thoughts in your mind.


Subconscious Cleansing
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